Fountain Presbyterian, Open Table Church Sign Custodial Agreement
On October 13, 2024, Open Table Church began holding its services in our builidng. We’ve entered into a 1- 2-year custodial agreement with Open Table: for use of our church and grounds during this period, they will maintain the property and improve it in a number of ways, several that have already happened and others on-going and in the works.
Our upstairs children’s classrooms have been totally restored–caulked, painted, carpeted, furnished–into active spaces for children’s worship. On their first Sunday at FPC, the kids and their leaders were a large part of the 295 who attended.
In addition to risers built in the sanctuary balcony, the grounds have been transformed, and the bamboo is not long for our world. Open Table workers have pressure washed and painted and repaired and continue with much-needed maintenance.
Open Table, which was organized in September in Farmville and is pastored by Jeff Toler, also took care of the big oak that’s been in the Tollesons’ yard for over two years now, and filled in the hole its rootball had exposed.
Elder Henry Trevathan was Open Table’s first bell ringer, and he gave lessons to the pastor’s son, Laettner Toler, who was an enbthusiastic helper.
We remain hopeful that our building will remain an important part of the Fountain community after Open Table builds its own church. We’re also glad to bring Linda Peele back onto our Session.
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For those who missed Dr. Earl Trevathan’s remarks at our July 2023 worship service, you can read the text here. Earl ad-libbed a bit, and we had hoped to capture the whole day on Zoom, but that didn’t work out.
Meanwhile, Fountain Presbyterian Church is not very active on Facebook.
For a special blessing, Watch Roland Suggs perform “The Tide of Life” at Fountain Presbyterian Church on July 17, 2016.
Fountain Presbyterian Church
5851 E. Lang Street (old address: 310 E. Lang St.)
Mailing address: P.O. Box 456
Fountain, NC 27829
Phone elder Alex Albright 252.749.7974 or 252.864.3239
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Fountain Presbyterian Church’s website is maintained by Alex Albright as a part of the website for Fountain General Store. Its Facebook page is maintained by Elizabeth Albright.
–October 16, 2024