- 6754 E. Wilson St., Fountain, NC 27829
- 252.749.3228
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Founding member Bobby Gales, on banjo & guitar, started playing back in the mid 1990s with his two sons, Kendall and Cameron Gales, in “Gospel Grass.”
His wife, Charity Gales, plays upright bass and sings lead & harmony vocals.
Sarah Walters, a talented young fiddler who also has a powerful voice for lead and harmony vocals, grew up playing and singing bluegrass gospel with her family band, the Walters Family.
Guitarist Brice Hersey is both a flat & finger picker who also does solo gigs.
They’re traveling to another gig nearby, which is why we’ve got them making an RAF stop that you ought not to miss.
Tags: bluegrass, bluegrass gospel, Concert, original, tradtional bluegrass