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from the May 6, 2009 FAD
The Carolina Yellowhammers feature Lightnin’ Wells on guitar, Frankie Harrison on mandolin, and in Friday night’s lineup, local legend Tim Myatt on 5-string banjo.
“This is the first time Tim and Lightnin’ and Frankie have played together,” said Alex Albright, Fountain General proprietor. “It’ll be one of those shows you’ll want to say you saw–it’s unlikely to happen again.”
The Carolina Yellowhammers are an occasional bluegrass band with a big local following. Wells and Harrison are the mainstays, and they are always able to attract top-notch pickers for their banjo and bass players.
Tim Myatt, the Snow Hill resident and former Carolina Partner, is called by many the best banjo picker in East Carolina. He has performed at RAF with Highway 58 and Marshall Stephenson’s Bluegrass Train.
The Carolina Yellowhammers are named in honor of the 1920s old-time band the Georgia Yellow Hammers, as well as the old East Carolina Railroad passenger train that ran through Fountain and was also known as the Yellowhammer.
Tags: bluegrass, bluegrass gospel, tradtional bluegrass