Tobacco Farm Life Museum
709 N. Church St., Kenly NC 27542 (31 miles from Fountain)
The museum’s Facebook and YouTube channel
Gallery with exhibits focusing on agriculture, Southern medicine, rural social life, textiles, early forms of transportation, and domestic skills. There are a number of historic buildings on the grounds: Iredell Brown Homestead with detached kitchen, smokehouse, one-room schoolhouse, tobacco barn, packhouse, and blacksmith shop.
The museum also boasts a beautifully designed and informative webpage that includes an impressive “Honors and Memorials” section highlighting individual community leaders and in the process creates a unique local history narrative. For researchers, the list of available books and resources includes several that are easily available with a click-on.
Admission: $8 and children under 2 years old get in free.
Guided tours: $9
This poster illustrates a recent blog on the museum’s webpage, “‘Farmerettes,’ Farmer’s Wives & Women’s Roles in Agriculture, Past to Present.”
Images on this page courtesy are from the Tobacco Farm Life’s webpage.